Creator Breath and Art - Manuela Schoepfer - Breathwork Teacher and Healing Artist

Breath and Art



The art exercise brings you to the present moment, from there you get in touch with your creativity and your intuition. In that receptive flow state you deeply connect to you life purpose, you feel empowered and encouraged to bring your dream into action.

Breathwork is an ancient healing modality, where you experience a powerful spiritual transformation, a high vibration and a deep purification on every level. With the support of the breath the mind relaxes, you connect with your body, you learn how to listen with a still heart and a present open soul. It allows you to release strong emotions and stories that keep you small and limited.

Manuela will be here to support you, she leads you intuitively, and creates a warm and and safe environment for your healing process. You will connect with Manuela on a more personal level.

Our session together includes:

  • Initial Consultation

  • Meditation

  • Guided Breathwork

  • Reiki Energy

  • Aromatherapy

  • Crystal Healing

  • Relaxation

  • Creative Exercise
    (Art, Drawing, Mandalas, Visual Board, Collage, Journaling)